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Vaping pens with glass and two bowls

The smoking revolution or how vaping conquered the modern world

In the last twenty years, vaping has become synonymous with the modern way of consuming nicotine and other substances, as it promises to be less harmful than traditional smoking. However, the path to today's vapes goes back much further. Come find out how the vaping revolution began and what made vapes win over the world!

Bulb with cannabis leaf and text underneath: 10-OH-THC

Everything you need to know about 10-OH-THC: From origin to effects

Meet 10-OH-THC, a new cannabinoid born from innovative chemical processes. How exactly is it produced and what effects does it have? In this article, we'll look at the details of how this substance is created and how it differs from its more familiar counterpart, 11-OH-THC. Ready? Here we go!

On the left is Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) growing wild in South Africa, on the right is Kanna extract (powder) in a bowl

Kanna: A botanical gem used by indigenous tribes to find mental well-being

Kanna is a plant native to South Africa that has earned its place over the centuries both among indigenous tribes and in the modern world of natural dietary supplements. In recent years, kanna has become the focus of scientific studies that confirm its potential for relieving anxiety and improving mood. Today, we will take a closer look at this plant, its effects, and also the different forms in which it is commonly sold, such as extract, powder, and flower. Here we go.