Cannabinoids HHC, HHC-O, HHC-P: What do they do and how do they differ?

In the beginning, HHC...

We already know that hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) was first discovered by American chemist Roger Adams when he added a hydrogen molecule to delta 9-THC. HHC is found naturally in the cannabis plant, but only in trace amounts, so it is currently produced semi-synthetically, most commonly by hydrogenation of other cannabinoids such as CBD. The hydrogenation process improves the stability of the molecule and resistance to thermo-oxidative degradation.


The reported effects of HHC include:

  • stimulation, euphoria
  • change in perception
  • promoting relaxation and sleep
  • relief of anxiety and stress

Long-term effects have not yet been adequately studied. The effects of HHC on the mind and body are associated with a higher affinity for the cannabinoid receptor CB1. CB1 receptors are located in the central nervous system, mainly in the brain, and are part of the endocannabinoid system. When activated, they can influence, for example, mood, memory and perception.

Production and effects of HHC-O

Two other cannabinoids, HHC-O and HHC-P, have only recently been discovered. As far as HHC-O is concerned, the letter 'O' stands for acetate, which is added to hexahydrocannabinol. Unlike HHC, HHC-O is not found in the cannabis plant, even in trace amounts. It is therefore produced exclusively in the laboratory by a chemical reaction called acylation. In this process, an acyl group is added to an existing cannabinoid (in this case HHC) by means of an acyl reagent, which may be acetic anhydride or acetyl chloride.

The addition of the acyl group enhances the potency of the cannabinoid. This means that compounds created in this way bind more strongly to our CB1 cannabinoid receptors, leading to a more intense high. 

As there are no clinical trials available yet, information on the effects comes only from user experience. HHC-O can lead to relaxation, pain management, anxiety relief, stress relief, and improved sleep. 

It is reported that HHC-O is approximately 1.5 to 2 times more intoxicating than HHC. The effects are slower in onset (within minutes) but more intense and last longer than HHC. 

What is HHC-P?

Like HHC-O, HHC-P is a newly discovered cannabinoid about which we do not yet have enough information. HHC-P is hexahydrocannabiphorol, a compound produced synthetically. It is said to be the most potent cannabinoid. 

It is similar in structure to HHC, but has a longer alkyl chain enriched with carbon molecules. It shares a seven-carbon tail with the well-known and banned tetrahydrocannabinol, or its variant tetrahydrocannabiphorole (THC-P), and it is therefore thought that the effects on the body and mind could be similar. HHC-P can induce euphoria and be highly psychoactive. The effects usually take 30 minutes at the earliest and last for several hours. As we have little information on HHC-P, this cannabinoid should be treated with caution.


Side effects of HHC-O and HHC-P  

The side effects of HHC, HHC-O and HHC-P are not yet known due to a lack of research. It is thought that, as with some other cannabinoids, the following problems may occur:

  • dry mouth
  • rapid heart rate
  • redness of the eyes
  • dizziness
  • anxiety
  • insomnia
  • increased appetite
  • paranoia

HHC, HHC-O and HHC-P: vape foams and flowers

The choice of HHC-O and HHC-P products is not yet as varied as for other, more well-known cannabinoids. The range is dominated by vape pens, cartridges and flowers. Most of these liquids and flowers combine HHC, HHC-O and HHC-P in different concentrations and flavours. Vape foams sometimes contain other cannabinoids such as CBD a CBG.

HHC and its other derivatives are derived from industrial hemp plants and therefore contain only the permitted amount of THC. However, this does not change the fact that they can be very potent and users should approach them with the utmost caution and the knowledge that these substances have not been adequately researched.

Those who want to try the power of new cannabinoids should always choose trusted manufacturers who have their products tested for composition, concentration and purity by an independent laboratory.


Photo: Shutterstock

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